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From 2020, 30,000 euros will be awarded in cash and up to 150,000 euros to support three-year research projects in the fields of immunology and allergology

The FONDATION ACTERIA and the European Federation of Immunological Societies (EFIS) present the new rules during the Annual Congress of the Swiss Society for Allergology and Immunology

Lugano, 5 September 2019. Starting from 2020, the ACTERIA Prize, a prestigious award reserved for European researchers in immunology and allergology, will be awarded yearly instead of every three years. The announcement was made by the FONDATION ACTERIA (ACTing on European Research in Immunology and Allergology), the European Federation of Immunological Societies (EFIS) and the Swiss Society for Allergology and Immunology (SSAI) today in Lugano (Switzerland) during the 2019 SSAI Annual Congress.

Established in 2012, the ACTERIA Prizes are awarded to recognize and reward Europe’s young scientists in the fields of immunology and allergology. The Prizes, two each in Immunology and Allergology, honor outstanding achievements in fundamental research performed in a European-based institute by researchers with up to 10 years postdoctoral research experience and doctoral theses defended in the last 3 years before the award. The ACTERIA Prizes foresee cash awards plus the potential funding of three-year research projects to be performed in European institutions.

The new rules establish that from 2020, two ACTERIA Prizes will be assigned annually on an alternating basis:

  • Two ACTERIA Doctoral Thesis Prizes, one each in immunology and allergology, will be awarded in even years (2020, 2022, 2024, etc.) for the best doctoral theses in the 3 years prior to application submission deadlines;
  • Two ACTERIA Early Career Researcher Prizes, one each in immunology and allergology, will be awarded in uneven years (2021, 2023, 2025, etc.) to researchers with up to 10 years of postdoctoral experience.

Each of the ACTERIA Prizes will be awarded by FONDATION ACTERIA with € 30,000 prize money and the possibility to obtain research grants over three-years for post award research projects up to € 150,000, which can reach up to € 200,000 for projects that are pursued by or in cooperation with institutes of less favored European countries (as defined by the European Union or the European Molecular Biology Organization).

The ACTERIA Prizes will be awarded during the European Congress of Immunology (ECI), which is held every 3 years, and, in the years when the ECI is not held, at a venue agreed upon by FONDATION ACTERIA and EFIS. The call for applications for the 2020 ACTERIA Doctoral Thesis Awards will open on October 1st, 2019. The deadline for the submission of applications will close on December 31st, 2019. Full details will be available at from October 1st, 2019.


The FONDATION ACTERIA - ACTing on European Research in Immunology and Allergology, promotes noncommercial fundamental research in immunology and allergology in Europe and Switzerland. It participates in the exchange of research and knowhow exchange between Switzerland and Europe by awarding the ACTERIA Prizes and by supporting postdoctoral research by early career researchers in Europe without distinction to country, nationality, race, religion, gender or any other grounds for discrimination.

About EFIS

EFIS - European Federation of Immunological Societies, is an umbrella organization that represents more than
14,000 individual members from 35 European member societies, and reaches beyond European boundaries to
include Israel. The main goals of EFIS are to support immunological research and education, as well as to
strengthen scientific interaction amongst its members. EFIS focuses particularly on supporting young scientists,
e.g., through fellowships, travel grants and awards.

About SSAI

SSAI - Swiss Society for Allergology and Immunology, brings together scientists, clinician scientists, physicians and
diagnostic laboratory specialists working in the fields of immunology and allergology. SSAI’s main tasks are to
promote quality research, education and scientific collaborations for the biomedical progress.

pdfPress Release ACTERIA PRIZES (PDF)